Fuel Insights | Health Care Research Projects | Overview
The following is a small sample of the various research projects Fuel Insights has been involved with involving Healthcare oriented agencies in the past year or so. Some of the details are kept ambiguous in order to maintain a higher level of confidentiality.
Psychiatrists – recruitment of 20 psychs to participate in video recording themselves answering 10 questions about their prescribing practices – project completed in 40 hours
Rheumatologists – recruitment and conducting research with a group of Rheumatologists that use biologics – project completed in 3 days
Millennials – recruitment and research conducted with 100 people ages 25-33 for a naming strategy project, project completed in less than 24 hours
Oncologists and Pathologists – USA – review of a set of brand stories for validation of messaging, project completed in 48 hours
Psychiatrists – USA – research conducted on a set of brand stories for validation of messaging, project completed in less than 48 hours
Patients suffering with chronic pain – recruitment of 100 patients that are familiar with spinal cord stimulation, project completed in less than 36 hours
PCP’s & Heptologists – recruitment of doctors that treat a specific type of disease, project completed in less than 36 hours
Surgeons & Hospital Executives – recruitment and research with these groups on new product introductions, project completed in 5 days
People with knee pain – recruitment and research with patients suffering from knee pain, project completed in 48 hours
Ophthalmologists & Optometrists – recruitment and research with a larger group of doctors, project completed in 3 days
Men with Low T, Urologists & PCP’s – recruitment and research with these three people groups, project completed in 4 days
Ophthalmologists – recruitment and research review of brand stories, project completed in 36 hours
Oncologists and Pathologists – recruitment and research into their opinions on a set of brand stories, project completed in 36 hours
Medical, surgical or radiological oncologists & People in treatment for cancer – recruitment and research with these groups, project completed in 36 hours
Psychiatrists practicing in a specific type of facility – recruitment and research on a series of brand messages, project completed in 36 hours [Two separate projects]
Oncology Doctors and Nurses – recruitment of and research with a group of physicians and nurses with experience with a very rare form of cancer, project completed in 5 days
Osteoporosis Physicians – recruitment of and research with a group of physicians that treat Osteoporosis, project completed in 36 hours
Cardiologists, Pulmonologists and People with PAH – recruitment and research with these groups of people, project completed in 48 hours
Podiatrist and People with a specific disease – recruitment and research with these two groups, project completed in 36 hours
1:1 interviews with cancer caregiver – video of interview conducted in-situ with wife of a cancer patient and documentation of her journey
Pharma & Bio-Tech Executives – large-scale brand awareness survey conducted in the USA, UK, Germany and Switzerland for a health care company – project completed in 4 weeks
People with COPD – recruitment and research with 100 participants that are in treatment for COPD, messaging and image testing, project completed in 4 days
People with MS and Nurses / Care Managers – recruitment and research with participants that are in treatment for MS and their nurses and care givers, launch to completion in 16 hours.
Dairy Farmers & Large Animal Veterinarians – recruitment and research on their opinions of specific images and messaging, completed in 7 days
Largest Health Care system in a Midwest state – multiple research projects with an existing panel of participants, monthly contract
Patients with severe acne – 400 people recruited and completed in a mass-qual program that completed in 36 hours